Alec Hodges from Barnstaple switched careers and embarked on an intensive training programme to become a fully-qualified Volkswagen parts advisor.
The 29 year old joined Barnstaple Volkswagen after deciding his heart was more in cars than in food. His course entailed a series of on and off-site workshops and assessments through the Volkswagen Training Academy before achieving the parts accreditation status.
Speaking of his qualification Alec said: “I have always had a passion for cars
I’m really grateful to Barnstaple Volkswagen for giving me the opportunity to pursue my ambition.
“Making the switch from the kitchen to the showroom has been hard work as I undertook a series of job roles to achieve my present position. This qualification has given me further knowledge and skills of the Volkswagen brand which will assist me in driving my motoring career forward.”
Alec joined the Braunton Road Volkswagen team in 2004 as a valeter. He undertook various roles including servicing and warranty clerk until a suitable trainee post became available within the Parts division.
Barnstaple Volkswagen service manager, John Leith, added: “Alec’s qualification is credit to his hard work and determination to succeed. He is a prime example of the importance of pursuing a career that will drive you forward.”
For more information contact Sue Foster or Becki Oake on 01902 714 957 or suefoster@connect-group.com / becki@connect-group.com
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